Hands Here | About Us

Hands Here's child safety decals & magnets featuring stylish designs in high-contrast to capture your child's attention, keeping them within eyesight & reaching distance of your vehicle.

Hands Here's Emergency Medical Information tags for First Responders always attached securely to child seats without affecting their safety & functionality - the best precautionary safeguard available.

Our products could save your child's life

Toddler hand on decal
Star Decal - B - Hands Here
Emergency Medical Information Tags

Hello, I'm Emily - a mum

I had my first son in 2020 and quickly realised how unsafe and poorly designed car parks are for families of young children. The stress a trip to the shops invoked and the anxiety about my child's safety around cars was wild!

read on for the hands here origin story

The tiny car spaces forcing parents to become gymnasts to get their rear facing child in, support beams always in the wrong spot, complete lack of ramps for prams and safe walkways. Not to mention the strange mentality that overtakes people in other cars who are suddenly training for Bathurst, forget about blind spots, disregard crossings and... must. get. that. parking. spot.

I didn't know how families with more than one child did it!

Then, I had my second in 2022 and came across a realisation - I can't control the design of car parks or the other drivers actions but I could influence my own children to be as safe as possible.

How do you do this though? Especially for toddlers with limited logic and attention spans? Touching the wheel didn't work - too dirty and then they wanted to look at all the wheels. The fuel cap didn't work, they aren't always on the side you need and for e-cars, aren't even there.

So what do you do to keep them in sight and reaching distance?

I decided to add a decal near the door where they get in.
BUT: the designs...subpar. The quality...poor. They peeled off within a few months and the image faded. They looked tacky, my kids bored of the generic unimaginative images. My kids ignored them and they stopped being effective.

Toddler hand on decal

And so HANDS HERE was born!

The kids love having their hands on the high-contrast, attention grabbing decal and pointing out its features, they are within reaching distance and I can see them at all times, the are durable, hardy and stylish - car parks are no longer anxiety producing mazes!

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Now after welcoming my twins in 2024, I am more passionate than ever to share this "parenting hack" and the peace of mind that comes with it knowing you have made one of the best decisions a parent can - taking steps to help keep your children safe.

Low Speed Vehicle Runover Incidents kill an average of 7 children aged 0-5 across Australia a year and injure 41 more*

Children aged 0-4 have the highest rate of injuries that result in death with 29% of these injuries the result of land transport accidents**

A Hands Here decal could save your child's life!

Hands Here has now expanded to include Magnets (in place of decals) for temporary use - perfect for grandparents, nannies, au pairs or child care, disability and social workers.

Additionally, we have Emergency Medical Information Tags that display basic but vital personal and medical information and are easily attached to child car sets without restricting functionality. A must have safeguard to assist first responders.

The journey will be challenging, much like parenthood, so I am forever grateful for the support from you all. Parents have enough to cope with so, with my Hands Here products, I hope to give you back a little bit of breathing space - you got this!


1. KidSafe Victoria (2024) Low Speed Vehicle Runover Prevention Strategy

2. A. Anthikkat, A. Page, R. Barker (2013) Low-speed vehicle run over fatalities in Australian children aged 0–5 years. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 49(5), 388-393.

3. NSW Child Death Review Team (2013) Child deaths: Low Speed Vehicle Run-Over fatalities of young children 2002 – 2011. NSW Ombudsman

** Sources:

1. Australian Government: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2020) Australia's Children CWS-69

2. Australian Government: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (2024) Australian Road Deaths Database - ARDD. Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics (BITRE)